how to create a logo with ai
niteesh csc
2 min read
- Artificial Intelligence

are you looking for a method by which you can create an professional for you business or any other work.
after completing this blog post get you professional looking logo. for this website i have use some method to create a logo. don't waste money on Logo designers you can create business logos like these using AI absolutely for free. let start,
step-by-step guide
prompt generating
Step 1:create acount: first go to this website and create account after create account on that website login with that it.
Step2:Go to create prompt page: after login you can see image prompts option in left hand side click on that after that you can see logo design ideas option click on that. you can see steps in below image also for better understanding.

step 3: create prompts: known you can see that prompt generate form wheir you need to fill the product/brand name and about your business or componay after filling the form click on create content buttom (for example i have fill "biyondbytes" as a brand name and i about your business is "Explore the world of technology, lifestyle, travel, and more at BiyondBytes. Discover insightful articles across all categories and stay updated on the latest trends. Join us as we dive deep into diverse topics beyond the ordinary, only at BiyondBytes ") after that you can get you 10 different prompts right side of your form select any one . you can also see reference image on above image.
logo genarating
Step 1:create account: first go to this website and create account after create account on that website login with that it.
Step 2:create logo: paste the created prompt in input box("what do you want to create") after that select aspect ratio and style types then click on generate button. you can see reference image below.


follow my guide step-by-step for better resuilts you can try with your own. if you are not getting your satisfying result then i can customize your generated prompt with your requirements. if you think this post help you to make you brand logo then please comment heart in comment box.