Understanding the “Objects Are Not Valid as a React Child” Error in React



3 min read

  • react
Objects Are Not Valid as a React Child

When you’re working with React, you might across this type of error “objects are not valid as a React child”. This can be confusing, especially if you’re new to React or programming in general. when i was a beginner in react i got this error or many of my friends face this same error that's why i know that how can you fix this error. i will also provide use some examples with why this error acers and how can we fix this. when i was a beginner to fix this error i have followed may resources like stackoverflow and GitHub but it little hard to understand for a beginner that way i am writing this post is very easy language for easy understanding. So, let’s break it down in easy terms.

What Does This Error Mean?

In React, everything you can see on the screen is part of a components. Components can have children, which are the elements inside them. For example, in the code below, <div> is a parent, and “Hello, biyondbytes team!” is its child:

  "Hello, biyondbytes team!"

React is strict about what can be a child. Its likes things like text, numbers, or other components. But it doesn't like objects or arrays unless they are formatted in a specific way.

Why Does React Complain About Objects as Children?

let assume that you have an object like this:

const message = { text: "Hello, biyondbytes team!" };

And you try to put it directly into your component like that:


React will throw an error because it doesn’t know how to display { text: "Hello, biyondbytes team!" } on the screen. It’s like that you are trying to fit a square pipe into a round hole and you know that it is not possible.

How Do You Fix It?

To fix this, you need to tell React exactly what you want to show. If you want to display the text “Hello, biyondbytes team!” from the message object, you need to access the text property of the object. like this if you have multiple property in object you need to exactly select one by one and every property type must be text, numbers, or other components:


Now React is happy render the object property on display 😊.

What If You Have an Array?

If you have an array of items, you can use the .map() function to tell React how to display each item. For example:

const messages = ["Hello, biyondbytes team!", "one like for this post"];

  {messages.map((message, index) => (
    <p key={index}>{message}</p>

Each item in the array gets turned into a <p> tag that React can display it is one type loop where messages data comes one by one in message after then its display.


So, when you see the error “objects are not valid as a React child,” first of all see the console where you can see that line of error after then you know that react not directly render the object or array. as a beginner we can do many mistakes its not that. if you every see this type of error you know now that you can accidentally pass object or array inside the component. if you think i helpful for you. you can like share and follow my on biyondbytes website 😎. if you getting the same error after try this methods then you can comment i will 100% help you to fix that problem.



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