50 Basic Linux Commands



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50 basic linux commands

When you are new to Linux from Windows, then at that time you face many basic problems while using Linux operation system, to solve those basic problems, firstly you should know all basic Linux commands, for that I have covered 50 basic Linux commands, which help a lot while using Linux operation system.

Here’s is the 50 basic and very usefull commands:

  1. ls: List directories.

  2. pwd: Print working directory.

  3. cd: Navigate through directories.

  4. mkdir: Create directories.

  5. mv: Move or rename files.

  6. cp: Copy files.

  7. rm: Delete files or directories.

  8. touch: Create blank files.

  9. ln: Create symbolic links.

  10. clear: Clear the terminal display.

  11. cat: Display file contents.

  12. echo: Print text.

  13. less: Display paged outputs.

  14. man: Access manual pages.

  15. uname: Get basic OS information.

  16. whoami: Get active username.

  17. tar: Extract and compress files.

  18. grep: Search for strings.

  19. head: Return lines from the top.

  20. tail: Return lines from the bottom.

  21. chmod: Change file permissions.

  22. chown: Change file ownership.

  23. ps: Display running processes.

  24. top: Monitor system resources.

  25. df: Show disk space usage.

  26. du: Estimate file space usage.

  27. find: Search for files.

  28. history: View command history.

  29. ssh: Securely connect to remote servers.

  30. scp: Copy files over SSH.

  31. wget: Download files from the web.

  32. curl: Transfer data with URLs.

  33. ifconfig: Configure network interfaces.

  34. netstat: Display network statistics.

  35. ping: Test network connectivity.

  36. traceroute: Trace the route to a host.

  37. crontab: Schedule tasks.

  38. date: Display or set system date and time.

  39. uptime: Show system uptime.

  40. kill: Terminate processes.

  41. passwd: Change user password.

  42. su: Switch user.

  43. df: Show disk space usage.

  44. du: Estimate file space usage.

  45. free: Display memory usage.

  46. fdisk: Partition table manipulator.

  47. mount: Mount filesystems.

  48. umount: Unmount filesystems.

  49. sed: Stream editor.

  50. awk: Text processing tool.

all the commands are those commands that commonly used while using the linux operation system if you are new in linux or any experience person then must known that commands.



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